Phase 4 Calendar

( View the Phase 4 Assignment Prompt)

During our final phase, you will substantially revise your major assignments, articulate and analyze your learning process and gained knowledge, practice formal reflection writing and editing, and prepare your final digital portfolio.


  • You should have access to all readings & all assignments every class (in print or on your laptop/phone). This is because we’ll likely refer back to previous assignments/readings.
  • “BB” stands for “Blackboard”
  • All underlines below are LINKS
M4/17Gather & re-read your 3 cover letters and your 3 phase essays. Take notes on any sentences or sections that most capture your learning this semester. Submit to BB.Phase 4 Assignment PromptIntro self-assessment essayIn-class writing workshop
W4/19Review your notes from the in-class writing workshop. Using these notes, complete a fulldraft of your Self-Assessment Essay. Submit toBB and upload to Google Drive.NO CLASS.Attend 1-on-1 conference 
M4/24Complete a “Phase 4 Peer Review” worksheet for your two peers. Upload your worksheets to your peers’ respective Google Drive folders.NO CLASS.Attend 1-on-1 conference
W4/26 Revise your Self-Assessment Essay draft based on feedback you received during conferences. Submit to BB.In class: create WordPress Portfolio site on CUNY CommonsWordPress Portfolio DesignRevision strategies
M5/1Complete revisions for your final “portfolio version” of your Phase 3 essay. Submit to BB. Print and bring to class 2 copies (or bring your laptop with the latest draft saved).Workshop PortfoliosWebsite  design Editing at the sentence-level 
W5/3 Complete revisions for your final “portfolio version” of your Phase 1 essay. Upload to your WordPress site.Feedback returned on Self-Assessment EssayWorkshop PortfoliosMore on design / revision
 M5/8Complete revisions for your final “portfolio” version of your Phase 2 Parts 2&3. Upload to your WordPress site.FINAL CLASS. Workshop PortfoliosMore on design / revision
W5/101.Complete revisions for your final “portfolio version” of your Phase 3 essay based on sentence-level feedback you received from peers. Upload to your WordPress site.No class.
M5/15Revise your Self-Assessment Essay draft based on feedback from your instructor. Upload to your WordPress site.No class.
F5/19Submit to BB the URL to your Final Portfolio (which should include your Self-Assessment and revised essays)NO CLASS, of course.