Phase 2 Calendar

( View the Phase 2 Assignment Prompt)

During Phase 2, you will learn more about reading texts for what they “do” and practice analyzing texts for their rhetorical features. You will also practice creating different kinds of rhetorical texts that target and are designed for specific audiences. Among other small assignments, you will complete the second major writing assignment of our course, the Rhetorical Analysis Assignment.


  • You should have access to all readings & all assignments every class (in print or on your laptop/phone). This is because we’ll likely refer back to previous assignments/readings.
  • “BB” stands for “Blackboard”
  • All underlines below are LINKS
M2/27Sign up for CUNY Academic CommonsWatchthis video about creating a WordPress Site. Follow video to create a first draft of your WordPress Site. Submit a link to BB.Read the “Rhetorical Strategies and Analysis” handout. Revisit any one of our course texts and writedown as many rhetorical strategies and appeals you can observe. Submit to BB.Phase 1 ReflectionAssign Phase 1 Revisions
Digital Portfolio & WordPress
Phase 2 Assignment & Rhetorical AnalysisBrainstorm ideas for Part 2 (topics, audience, genre, language, strategies)
W3/1Complete & submit to BB Part 1 of your Phase 2 Rhetorical Analysis Assignment.Complete a first draft Part 2. Submit to BB. Print and bring to class 2 copies (or bring your laptop with the latest draft saved). Analyze Model TextWorkshop Part 2 drafts
M3/6Complete a second draft of Part 2 (based on peer feedback). Submit to BB and upload it to your Google Drive folder.Write & submit to BB a first draft of Part 3.  Submit to BB. Upload to your group folder. Analyze Model TextWorkshop Part 2 draftsWorkshop Part 3 drafts
W3/8Revise & polish the final drafts of both Part 2 and 3. Then, write & paste your cover letter at the beginning of Part 3. Submit all to BB.Phase 2 ReflectionsIntroduce Phase 3 AssignmentBasic Online Searches